The Town of Lynnfield, Massachusetts

Property Assessment Data

Assessments for Fiscal Year 2024

The following assessor's information is provided as a service to the citizens of Lynnfield, Massachusetts. This property assessment data represents the most current real estate tax valuation for Fiscal Year 2024.

2024 Tax Rates

Residential $10.51 | Commercial/Industrial/Personal Property $17.99 | LCW $.46 | LW Res $.67 | LW Comm $1.37

Donald P. Garrity
Bonnie Celi
Richard J. O'Neil, Jr.

Victor Santaniello - Assessing Manager

Theresa Galasso - Administrative Assistant

Open to the Public
Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm
Phone: 781.334.9450

55 Summer Street - Lynnfield, Massachusetts 01940

The Board of Assessors is responsible for equitably and accurately valuing all property (both Real Estate and Personal Property) within the Town of Lynnfield. The date of valuation is January 1, 2022.

To access the Town of Lynnfield's website, click on then Departments and Assessors

To view/print property record cards & tax maps, click on the links: Property Value Look-Up & Assessor's Maps.